Dairy solutions | goats





Efficient milking

When it comes to milking goats, nothing improves efficiency better than a well-designed milking parlour. The milking itself doesn't take long; the tasks that have to be performed manually account for the lion's share of the milking process. For this reason, it's important that all actions can be performed quickly, efficiently and as a matter of routine. High capacity is important, without compromising on milking quality. We're keen to work with you to develop the best possible parlour that meets all your requirements.

Innovative products

SAC's milking parlours have been developed based on many years of experience in milking goats. The milking parlours stand out due to their innovative products, such as the service arm and the unique Handyflow 2 milking cluster. As soon as the milking cluster is placed under the goat, the sensor detects that milking is underway. The vacuum in the cluster comes on automatically, the teat cups are attached and milking starts automatically. Thanks to the height-adjustable SAC Unifloor, the user is always able to stand at the correct working height. We're concerned about the goats' comfort, and we care about the milker too.




Types of milking parlours

2RO | External Rotary


Side-by-side Rapid Exit






Complete control and a good overview
Apollo Farm Control gives you more control over your dairy farm's key parameters. The up-to-date data from Apollo Farm Control allows you manage your daily routines more efficiently and keep a close eye on your herd. You set up your ongoing processes, such as milking, feed boxes, selection and animal identification, according to your own wishes and needs.  

The benefits for you

  • graphical overview of all data
  • clear overview of your livestock
  • easy to enter data for multiple animals
  • simple and user-friendly
  • 24/7 access, anytime, anywhere